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Military Connected Families

          Military Connected Families


Salvador Garcia Middle School proudly stands by our Military Families,

offering unwavering support and understanding. We strive to create a

nurturing environment that recognizes the sacrifices made by our military

community. Together, we ensure a strong foundation for academic success and

well-being for our Military Connected Students.

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SGMS Military Families Digital Binder

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SGMS Military Campus Liaisons

The Campus Military Liaisons serve as the primary points of contact for military-connected students and their families. The liaisons foster a supportive campus environment. The liaisons’ duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Incorporate the military-connected child into one campus.

  • Provide essential support and resources. 

  • Coordinate with various campus departments to streamline academic processes.

  • Provide emotional and social support, and advocate for the unique needs of military families.

  • Organize training for faculty and staff, planning events, and building partnerships with local military and veterans' organizations.

  • Monitor student progress, ensure seamless transitions, and continually seek feedback to improve services and address any emerging needs. Data is reported to the principal and UISD Federal Programs.

  • Maintain a student-led transition program to provide assistance to the military-connected students.


Dr. Martinez, Principal


Dr. Jonathan Martinez   

SGMS Principal


Ms. Galarza, Counselor


Alicia Galarza 

6th Grade

 7th Grade (A-L)



Mrs. Morales, Counselor


Shulamis Morales   

7th Grade (M-Z)

8th Grade


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Academic Resources